Jennifer Moore has specialized in the field of doubleweave pick-up for over 30 years and is the author of The Weaver’s Studio: Doubleweave. When Nilda Callanaupa from the Center for Traditional Textiles of Cusco was planning her 2013 conference in Cusco, she asked Jennifer if she would come to the conference to teach the pre-Colombian doubleweave techniques to her weavers. Jennifer spent a year preparing for the experience by studying backstrap weaving, Peruvian doubleweave and Spanish.
In November 2013 she attended and taught at the conference and then traveled to a number of weaving villages and archaeological sites in the Peruvian highlands. Jennifer will present a slideshow from the conference and her travels in Peru, as well as demonstrate what she taught at the conference.
October 18th meeting is on Thursday evening, 6:30 pm, because of the workshop scheduled on the third Saturday, our usual meeting date.