From Diane, our president:
Thanks to a couple of endorsements from members regarding this space, I have placed a deposit down on a meeting space at the Trini Mendenhall Community Center just north of Westview on Wirt Road. (1414 Wirt Rd.) August 21 and September 18 for 6 – 9.
We can have refreshments but no drinks with red coloring. It is a clean, newly refinished building with excellent parking and no steps anywhere. We do have to be out of the building by 9 and no sales may take place inside the building.
I will talk fast and we’ll have short business meetings to allow time for the programs Mary has planned. Set-up will be from 6 to 6:30, social time from 6:30 to 6:45 and on to the meeting after that. I guess we’ll have to put away the chairs also before we leave.
Webweaver’s Note: This notice is for the monthly guild meetings when we come back from our summer hiatus in August. The Classes will continue to meet at Guild House.