Susan Ennis, Textile Designer, Painter and Quilter, will be our presenter on September17th.
Susan has designed collections of print fabrics that are sold commercially. The quilts that she designs and makes include her own fabrics that are printed, painted and stitched. Susan will take us through the process of designing fabrics starting with an idea, drawings, and painting. If you are a Handweavers, Quilter or Surface design enthusiast Susan’s strong art background will give each of us information we can use in the craft of our choice. This is a program you don’t want to miss.

Come to Guild House 2. No more crowding!
Guild Meeting
Sept.17, 2015
6:30 pm
Susan Ennis
Textile Designer
Sept.17, 2015
6:30 pm
Susan Ennis
Textile Designer
Guild House
2327 Commerce
Houston, TX 77002