SDA Call for Entries

by | May 21, 2018

Call for Art

Family Matters: 2018 Surface Design Association Annual International Exhibition In Print
This year’s theme, Family Matters, invites artists to submit work that engages the idea of ‘family’. How does the notion of family emerge in an artist’s work?

Surface Design Journal welcomes work that embraces traditional 2D and 3D forms, while also seeking work that challenges and expands the contemporary definitions of textile/fiber-based art and design: digital art (design/animation), time-based arts (sound/video), performance art, conceptual art, land art, installation art, book arts, paper, basketry, textile design, wearables, fashion design, interior design, product de- sign, and craft-as-social-practice.

Journal Editor Elizabeth Kozlowski and co-juror Danielle Krysa (The Jealous Curator) will select work for inclusion in a comprehensive print and digital edition of the Surface Design Journal. The publication will include full and detailed images as well as artist
statements and juror reflections addressing the context of the work in the exhibition and its place within the evolution of broader trends in contemporary textile arts.

Entries are to be submitted online through CaFÉ Call for Entry website located at

April 18 – August 24, 2018: Call for entry submission period
August 27-Sept. 21, 2018: Jurying process
September 24, 2018: Artist notification of acceptance

For information:  Leslie Pearson <>