October Guild Meeting with Rosalie Neilson

by | Sep 26, 2015

The Power of Block Design

One hour lecture – Rosalie Neilson

Block designs consist of black and white blocks on grid paper, where black is considered the pattern block and white the background block. Learn how weavers interpret block designs in color and texture in a variety of different weave structures. Find out how one weaver used the binary number system and the textures of 4-shaft shaft huck lace to develop the definitive number of two-block designs, and how these simple designs become the building blocks of more elaborate designs. The lecture illustrates the construction and deconstruction of complex designs by showing how to use the printed design pages and transparent overlays from a book in progress called The Exaltation of Blocks by Rosalie Neilson.

October Guild Meeting
October 15, 2015
Guild House

Rosalie's Runner - Blocks

Rosalie’s Runner – Blocks