This just in from DeeDee:
“I assisted the juried show team with hanging the exhibit yesterday. While there, we whipped up a press release for the gallery owners. They have already posted it on the Gallery M Squared website, and plan to publish it in a couple of local heights publications. The show is absolutely beautiful! I think the guild members are going to be really pleased! “
The show will run from October 14 through November 14. Featuring works by 30 Texas artists, the exhibit presents a range of styles and techniques in weaving, felt, basketry, beadwork, and silk fusion. The opening reception and awards presentation will be Thursday, October 21, 7:00-9:00 p.m. On Saturday, October 23, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., Gallery M Squared will host a tour of the exhibit, led by DeeDee Woodbury of cHH , and a lecture a slide show by Patricia Spark on her recent travels among the feltmakers of Kyrgzystan.