LINEAR LANDSCAPES – Emily Weiskopf and Molly Koehn
Thursday 30th May 2019
6 -8 pm
Please join CHH member Molly for the opening of the new art exhibition at exclusive members’ club and wine storage facility Nos Caves Vin.
Line is an essential element in the art of both Emily Weiskopf and Molly Koehn.
Weiskopf’s interdisciplinary work comprises large outdoor sculptures in aluminum and neon as well more delicate works on paper. Exploring ideas around flow, she translates energetic waves and pathways into lines and curves. Like modern hieroglyphics, her interweaving abstractions tell us something basic about our life at present: our need and desire to build connections in an increasingly fragmented world. Thus, Weiskopf asks us to look beyond mere representation and seek out deeper truths hidden in the image. Influenced by science, spirituality, ancient ruins and textiles, she understands the world as a place where every event is simultaneously psychical and physical, and where we are constantly trying to build bridges between universal forms and rhythms and our personal infrastructures.
Koehn is equally interested in line: we see it in the linear quality of her landscape drawings but also in the shapes of the fibres that flow directly through her loom. Her weavings look linear and graphic at first, but closer inspection reveals slight irregularities and imperfections: paint mixed with fabric, a strand of fibre floating away, creating a precarious balance. Like Weiskopf, Koehn is interested in relationships and connections, but on a more practical scale: interactions between humans and their environment, between landscape and city. Her landscapes take the form of sculptural models placed on pedestals or held together by poles. By reversing the roles of nature and artifice, Koehn questions why we often seem to improve the aesthetic appearance of our surroundings by eradicating the natural in preference of the artificial.
Nos Caves Vin (Wroxton Location)
2501 Wroxton
Houston, TX 77005
Space is limited. To join the guest list, please RSVP to
Sabine Casparie:
Guests must be 21 years of age