HGA Certificates of Excellence Deadlines

by | Jan 31, 2020

HGA’s Certificate of Excellence

Handweaving Certification Deadline is February 1, 2020

The Handweavers Guild of America, Inc.’s (HGA) Certificate of Excellence (COE) is a self-directed certification program for members in the areas of Handweaving, Spinning, Dyeing and Basketmaking.


Why take the COE?

  • Expand your knowledge
  • Evaluate your skills
  • Designation is used to identify and locate technically qualified Handweavers, Spinners, Dyers, and Basketmakers


We offer two COE Levels: Level 1 is a focus on technical skills, design principles, and knowledge of materials and equipment and Level 2, available upon completion and certification of Level 1, is a master level with an in-depth study in a specialized area of the applicant’s choice. A mentor is available to aid applicants.


The COE Handbook explains the requirements for the COE and is available for purchase by applicants and those who are interested in using it as a means to increase their knowledge and skill level. Purchasing the COE Handbook does not require you to submit for the COE Examination.


COE Examinations are conducted using the most recent version of the COE Handbook and take place biannually. Each applicant’s materials are evaluated according to accepted standards of superior handweaving, spinning, dyeing and basketmaking.


Future Deadlines:


February 1, 2021 COE in Spinning paperwork due

September 2, 2021 COE in Dyeing paperwork due

February 1, 2022 COE in Handweaving paperwork due

September 2, 2022 COE in Basketmaking paperwork due


For more information about the COE, hosting an examination, or purchasing a COE Handbook, visit our website. For further questions or assistance call our Programs Coordinator at (678) 730-0010 or email Programs@WeaveSpinDye.org.