
CHH has approximately 1,200 books, periodicals, swatch books, slide collections, and DVDs available for checkout by members.

Magazines and back issues are kept in the Reference Library, shown above.

In addition to the hundreds of books CHH has in its collection,  we also subscribe to 7 magazines:

Shuttle Spindle & DyePot
Spin Off
Little Looms
Ply Magazine
VÄV Magazine

We also have a few out of print magazine titles including:
Weaver’s Magazine, Prairie Wool Companion, The Weaver’s Journal,
and others in Section 21, Periodicals.

Reminder : 
The periodicals in Section 21 are for Reference Use Only. There is a copy machine for members. Please make a donation in the jar in the kitchenette. Thanks!

Visit the Guild House to
Checkout a Book

The CHH Library is housed at the Guild House.

CHH members in good standing for one year may borrow books on a month-to-month basis.

To checkout books, visit the Guild House and fill out the checkout card from the front of the book. Place the card in the front of the checkout box. To return a book, leave it in the return box in the library. The librarian will check it in and shelve it.