Fiber Study Group

by | Oct 2, 2016

Purple lace_beaded.bowl Handmade Paper Bowls and Their Embellishment
Wednesday, October 12, 2016, 10:00 – 12:00
Fiber study group – Bring your Show and Tell
$5.00 supplies per participant

Brief description:

You will be shown how to make pulp from various, used papers, paper linters, etc. Then you will make your own handmade papers. You’ll be shown a variety of handmade paper bowls, for inspiration. Then you will make your own bowls from handmade papers provided for you. You’ll also be given formed handmade bowls, which you can embellish with paints, collage papers, beads… (see attached examples)

Participants should bring the following if they are able: One or more small, smooth, plain plastic bowls. Glue and a soft water-media brush. About six to eight small pieces of smooth, clean cloth squares about 12″x 12″. Optional: Seed beads, other beads if you have them. And a hair dryer.
