Loyal shoppers and newcomers alike attended the CHH Fall Artisan Market from October 27-29, 2022. As always, the Guild House was full of a fantastic assortment of handmade items including scarves, dish towels, jewelry, art, and tools, each item handcrafted by a CHH member.
While the purpose of our sale is a fundraiser to pay rent, at it’s core, it’s community-building. Over the year, our members create away in their studios for the upcoming sale. At meetings, we talk about what we’re making for the sale. Then, finally, we come together and have the sale. We ooooh and aaaah over each other’s work, and support one another through compliments and purchases. In addition, our sale takes the power of over 30 CHH volunteers to make happen!
If you’ve ever bought something from a CHH Artisan Market, thank you! Your support means the world to us!
Our next sale is in conjunction with Contemporary Handweavers of Texas (CHT) and will be June 2 & 3, 2023, at Sugar Land Marriott, Sugar Land, TX.