The Dog Days of Summer: Webster’s definition – 1: the period between early July and early September when the hot sultry weather of summer usually occurs in the northern hemisphere. 2: a period of stagnation or inactivity.
The August 18th program is a big show and share program, but this year with a twist.
Every weaver has had a “dog” of a project at some time or another. Sometimes you have a warp that you just don’t want to weave – ever! If you don’t cut it off, it stays on the loom and makes you miserable. That is a “dog on the loom”! Then there are pieces of fabric you actually get woven, but you don’t know what the heck it is for.
Here is how this program can help you. Bring your “dogs” (the yardage with a mistake, the fragments left over), and let an experienced panel of weavers help you with ideas and inspiration.
And, of course, bring what you have been making over the summer so we can all see! See you all in August! ~DeeDee Woodbury, program chair.