NEWS from Pat Powell – Consignment Shop (GUILD HOUSE GALLERY) Coming to Guild House
Now that we have more space in Guild House, the opportunity to have consignment sales for our members has become a reality. Members will now be able to to sell their creations throughout the year in addition to the Annual Sale. I am hopeful to be able to have the space set up by the beginning of May. This means acceptance of items will be done sometime mid-April.
As our space is more limited than for the Annual Sale, we will be setting limits on the number of participants as well as the number of pieces offered for each rotation. We will also be looking to display a variety of items available; scarves, dish towels, felting, baskets, handspun, etc.
Copies of the Consignment Agreement and Inventory Form are included in the upcoming newsletter and downloadable from the Members area of the website. For those interested, please review the documents and contact Pat Powell (patricia.powell at