
CHH online classified ads are available at no cost for CHH members, previous members, and other weavers, spinners, and felters in the greater Houston area.  CHH makes no guarantees about the content of the ads.

To submit a classified, please email information, pictures, price, and contact information to

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Our website is not immune from scams. If a transaction seems unduly complicated or if you have any feeling that something is not right, beware of the transaction.

Please advise us when your item has sold.  Ads older than one year will be deleted.

Antique Rug Loom For Sale

Antique Rug Loom For Sale

This antique rag rug loom, known as "The Weaver's Friend," was made by the Reed Company. It's a beautiful piece of history in good working condition, perfect for anyone passionate about weaving. The loom has been used to create numerous rugs and is ready to bring your...

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Want to advertise in the CHHit CHHat Newsletter?

The CHHit CHHat Newsletter is published monthly, August through June, and is sent to all paid members via email. Deadline for stories and advertising is the 25th of the month prior to publication.

Newsletter Advertising Rates:

Flat rate of $10.00 for one photo and 100 words.
Discount rate of 20% applies to advertisers who pay for one year in advance (10 issues, same ad).