News from Inga Marie Carmel about CHT…
Hey, Guess what?
The CHT Conference book is printed! There’s a website! It’s really going to happen, and registration opens January 26th.
If you want to get a jump on things here is a link to the PDF of the Registration Book, or you can go straight to the WEBSITE, and if you don’t want to tear up your registration book, you can download the forms there too….
There are workshops and seminars pretty much for any interest from card weaving and ply-split braiding, to warping, to sewing with handwovens to classes that geek out on tied weaves and computer programs. There will be a member’e exhibit and a fashion show, there will be souvenirs (check them out, the logo is really neat). There will even be a public weave in. And VENDORS!
A special effort was made to have classes for beginners as well as accomplished weavers. Here’s a direct link to the class schedule.
And here is the event page on Facebook (because Facebook or it didn’t happen, right?)
Volunteers! We’re going to need lots of them. You can sign up to help HERE.
It’s gonna be great, big props and thanks to Meg Wilson for pulling it all together.