by Diane Ferguson | Aug 13, 2016 | Sale 2016, Sneak Peek
The next cat toy factory (sweatshop) of the season will be held on Tuesday, August 16th, at the Guild House. We’ll be there from 10:00 – 4:00 and you can come for all or part of the day, Any help is appreciated. No advanced skills are necessary,...
by Web Weaver | Oct 18, 2015 | Archive, Blog, CHH, Sale 2015, Sneak Peek, Weavehouston Updates
From Connie Elliott: It seems to me that I see parents out with their strollers everywhere this time of year. A niece has just presented us with the 13th of our grand-nieces and grand-nephews. Obviously it was time to warp the loom for baby blankets. These are baby...
by Web Weaver | Oct 17, 2015 | Archive, Blog, CHH, Sale 2015, Sneak Peek, Weavehouston Updates
From Diane Ferguson: Some items that I’ve put in the show: Pins Cards Check out the Sale Announcement, Directions, and ALL the “Sneak Peeks” on the Sale Page at 2015 Sale Dates Thursday, October 22, 2015 10:00 –...
by Web Weaver | Oct 16, 2015 | Archive, Blog, CHH, Sale 2015, Sneak Peek, Weavehouston Updates
From: Barbara Esterholm These are a sampling of the handwoven towels, scarves and other items I will have at the 2015 CHH Sale. More of my work can be seen at Handwoven Towels Handwoven Scarf Check out the Sale Announcement, Directions, and ALL...
by Web Weaver | Oct 15, 2015 | Archive, Blog, Sale 2015, Sneak Peek, Weavehouston Updates
From Lynn Williams: Some pictures of my mini origami books for the sale. Check out the Sale Announcement, Directions, and ALL the “Sneak Peeks” on the Sale Page at 2015 Sale Dates Thursday, October 22, 2015 10:00 – 8:30...
by Web Weaver | Oct 13, 2015 | Archive, Blog, Sale 2015, Sneak Peek, Weavehouston Updates
From Peggy Friedrichs: The annual CHH Sale is almost here! I have been very busy dyeing scarves and capes. I have done a couple of other shows recently and the capes have really sold well. Here is a picture of a friend and client of mine, Darlene, wearing her new...