by Web Weaver | Sep 27, 2013 | Blog, CHH, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Guild Meeting, Meeting, Programs, Weavehouston Updates, Workshops
Jumping Ship in Mid-Life: Felting, Dyeing, Papermaking and Bookbinding Chad Alice Hagen has been exploring the resist dyeing of hand-felted wool since 1979. She is the author of numerous felting books and her work has appeared on the covers of Surface Design Journal,...
by Web Weaver | Aug 24, 2013 | Blog, CHH, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Meeting, Members, Programs, Weavehouston Updates
From Scharine Kirchoff, CHH Program Chair: Brenda Schloesser is a full-time Houston-based studio artist. The emphasis of Brenda’s work is surface design on fiber. Brenda has been working with fiber as a studio artist for over 30 years. Brenda’s work...
by Web Weaver | Jul 30, 2013 | Blog, CHH, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Meeting, Programs, Weavehouston Updates
CHH Program, August 15, 2013 – “Weaving for our Environment” with Kyla Crawford Have you thought about weaving curtains for your kitchen or another space in your home? If so, you are entering the realm of weaving for your environment. Our August...
by Web Weaver | Apr 28, 2013 | Blog, CHH, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Meeting, Members, Programs, Weavehouston Updates, Weaving
Julie Karlsson and DeeDee Woodbury shared their expertise and enthusiasm for weaving with linen after the monthly membership meeting April 18th at Bayou Manor. Many samples of handwoven linen items were shown exemplifying the texture, drape, body, and sheen of this...
by Web Weaver | Apr 26, 2013 | Blog, CHH, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Meeting, Programs, Weavehouston Updates
Katie’s talk is titled From Seed to Sack: Enslaved Labor and Textile Production and is a portion of a chapter from her dissertation, Fashioning Slavery: Slaves and Clothing in the U.S. South, 1830-1865. She is currently finishing her PhD in history at Rice,...
by Web Weaver | Mar 14, 2013 | Meeting, Programs, Weavehouston Updates
The CHH Meeting on Thursday MARCH 21 is a sewing bee type gathering. Once we get instructions on how to assemble the pin cushions, we will be hanging out and talking while we work. Items you will need to make CHT pin cushions: Handwoven scraps (pieces need to by 5”x5”...