by Web Weaver | Nov 21, 2013 | Blog, CHH, Guild Meeting, Meeting, Members
The Holiday Potluck will be on December 8! Full details over on the Member site. You will have an opportunity to sign up at the November 21 Guild Meeting or contact Scharine, programs chair.
by Web Weaver | Oct 24, 2013 | CHH, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Events, Members, Sale, Weavehouston Updates
Was just skimming the Chronicle’s Preview section and spotted a photo of one of Pat Powell’s Designs in the article on Bayou City Bead Works. I had just seen some of Pat’s works at the Houston Handweavers Sale so the photo was enough to catch my... by Web Weaver | Sep 29, 2013 | Blog, CHH, Meeting, Members, Minutes
The Minutes from the September 19, 2013 General Meeting have been uploaded to the member section of the website. Remember you will need your login and password for access to the Member website. If you are a member, you can find the login and password in your...
by Web Weaver | Aug 24, 2013 | Blog, CHH, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Meeting, Members, Programs, Weavehouston Updates
From Scharine Kirchoff, CHH Program Chair: Brenda Schloesser is a full-time Houston-based studio artist. The emphasis of Brenda’s work is surface design on fiber. Brenda has been working with fiber as a studio artist for over 30 years. Brenda’s work...
by Web Weaver | Aug 8, 2013 | Blog, CHH, CHHit CHHat, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Members, Newsletter, Weavehouston Updates
The August, 2013 Newsletter has been added to the Member website.
by Web Weaver | Aug 7, 2013 | Blog, CHH, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Events, Members, Spinning, Tapestry, Volunteer Opportunity, Weavehouston Updates, Weaving
Fiber Arts Family Festival 11 -3 pm on Saturday, September 7, 2013 Houston Center for Contemporary Craft Volunteers needed for a make-it-take-it type demo using cardboard looms. Cricket looms warped and ready to be woven on by children and adults (not a...