by Web Weaver | Mar 30, 2013 | Blog, facebook, Members, Swatch Swap, Weavehouston Updates
The 2013 Swatch Swap group met and exchanged 12 swatches in the theme Weave the Town Red. A book with all of the swatches has been donated to the CHH library. The complete set of swatch books is in the CHH library, talk about inspiration, WOW! We will auction a copy...
by Web Weaver | Mar 23, 2013 | Blog, Members, Weavehouston Updates
What do Scharine Kirchoff and Julia Allison have in common? Well, yes, they are CHH members … and weavers …. But they are also both in the March/April 2013 issue of Handwoven Magazine with its focus on Weaving our Heritage! Check out Scharine’s... by Web Weaver | Feb 6, 2013 | Members, Newsletter, Weavehouston Updates
The February Newsletter is now available on the Member side of the CHH Web Site. Good news and and photos. Kudos to DeeDee. by Web Weaver | Jan 14, 2013 | Members, Swatch Swap, Weavehouston Updates
Well, at least I hope you 2013 Swatch Swappers are! It’s too late for those of us who have not joined for this year, but Tracy has some information for those of you who are participating: From Tracy: Just a few reminders for the 2013 Swatch Swap: Completed forms...
by Web Weaver | Nov 16, 2012 | Members, Programs, Weavehouston Updates
The Guild Meeting featured reminiscences and show and tell by our four current Life Members: Kate Weinheimer, Rosemary Malbin, Diane Ferguson, and Donna Rae Harris. We loved the stories from these members, but also learned a lot about the history of our guild. The... by Web Weaver | Nov 15, 2012 | Events, Members, Weavehouston Updates
CHH CHRISTMAS PARTY Sunday, December 9, 2012 2pm-6:00pm At the home of Giovanna Imperia 208 Emerson Street Houston, TX 77006 The Annual Pot luck Christmas party is a wonderful way to celebrate the Holiday with other members of the guild, their spouses, and friends....