by Web Weaver | Jun 26, 2013 | Blog, CHH, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Events, facebook, Members, Summertime, Weavehouston Updates, Weaving
Deedee posted this on facebook: If you are near College Station – I have three pieces in the All Things Fiber show there. For dates and times, check out the website for the Fiber Arts: All Things Fiber Exhibit at the Arts Council of Brazos Valley and check out...
by Web Weaver | Jun 18, 2013 | Blog, CHH, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Members, Sale, Summertime, Weavehouston Updates, Weaving
This in from Blaine: We had our first “cat toy factory” today. A number of people came and helped. Photos start with the raw materials, show people working, Connie (the union-rep) on strike, and some of the finished and partially finished products....
by Web Weaver | Jun 17, 2013 | Blog, CHH, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Members, Weavehouston Updates
The 2013 Board took office at the Board Meeting on June 15, 2013. Past President and Guild House Director, Tracy Kaestner; President, Diane Ferguson; Secretary, D’Anne Craft; Treasurer, Blaine Davis; Vice-President, Gerry Woodhouse. by Web Weaver | Jun 10, 2013 | Blog, CHH, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Guild House, Meeting, Members, Study Groups, Tapestry, Tapestry Study Group, Weavehouston Updates, Weaving
The Tapestry Study Group will meet this month on June 30 at Guild House, 2:pm (Sunday). Bring questions, answers, looms, show and tell. The study group is coordinated by Gerry Woodhouse of Small Expressions fame. ;-) Remember, the outer door is locked, you may call...
by Web Weaver | Jun 6, 2013 | Blog, CHH, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Exhibits, Juried Show, Members, Tapestry, Weavehouston Updates, Weaving
Small Expressions HGA Award Gerry Woodhouse Katy, Texas Big Bend Post Office, 2011 Sixteen-shaft summer and winter figural pattern woven in tapestry. Linen warp/ground weft; naturally grown Foxfibre® cotton, hand-dyed indigo cotton, hemp. 15 x 15 x .25 inches Photo by... by Web Weaver | Jun 6, 2013 | Blog, CHH, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Events, Exhibits, Juried Show, Members, Weavehouston Updates
The HGA Board of Directors, HGA Exhibits Committee, and HGA Staff announced the Small Expressions 2013 award recipients today. First Place: Tori Kleinert, Turners Station, Kentucky, Ceremonial Semblance: It’s in the Cloth Second Place: Noriko Tomita, Tokyo,...