by Web Weaver | Oct 27, 2013 | Blog, Guild Meeting, Meeting, Programs, Weavehouston Updates
The program for the November 21 Guild Meeting is Social Media – Weaving our way thru the ‘Net: A round table discussion led by Gretchen, Regina, and Kyla with input from other members. Please come and share your ideas on how to increase our membership and...
by Web Weaver | Oct 17, 2013 | CHH, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Guild Meeting, Meeting, Programs, Weavehouston Updates
CHH Meeting, October 17, 2013 Jumping Ship in Mid-Life: Felting, Dyeing, Papermaking and BookbindingChad Alice Hagen6:30 pmBayou ManorRefreshments: Car-D General meetings are usually held at Bayou Manor, 4141 S. Braeswood, Houston, TX at 6:30 pm. (Map).
by Web Weaver | Oct 3, 2013 | Blog, CHH, CHHit CHHat, Classes, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Guild House, Meeting, Programs, Sale, Weavehouston Updates, Workshops
The October CHHit CHHat is now available on the member section of the website. Read all about this very busy month: the Guild House Open House on October 6, the October General Meeting on October 17, the Chad Alice Hagen Workshop, October 18-20, the CHH Sale on... by Web Weaver | Sep 29, 2013 | Blog, CHH, Meeting, Members, Minutes
The Minutes from the September 19, 2013 General Meeting have been uploaded to the member section of the website. Remember you will need your login and password for access to the Member website. If you are a member, you can find the login and password in your...
by Web Weaver | Sep 27, 2013 | Blog, CHH, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Guild Meeting, Meeting, Programs, Weavehouston Updates, Workshops
Jumping Ship in Mid-Life: Felting, Dyeing, Papermaking and Bookbinding Chad Alice Hagen has been exploring the resist dyeing of hand-felted wool since 1979. She is the author of numerous felting books and her work has appeared on the covers of Surface Design Journal,...
by Web Weaver | Aug 24, 2013 | Blog, CHH, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Meeting, Members, Programs, Weavehouston Updates
From Scharine Kirchoff, CHH Program Chair: Brenda Schloesser is a full-time Houston-based studio artist. The emphasis of Brenda’s work is surface design on fiber. Brenda has been working with fiber as a studio artist for over 30 years. Brenda’s work...