by Web Weaver | Sep 15, 2014 | Archive, Blog, Guest Post, Sale, Weavehouston Updates
From Blaine: It’s the most wonderful time of the year, if you’re a cat named Scout and 100 cat toys are done. You get to take them out for a test drive for a minute or two. It’s also wonderful to have 100 ready for the sale, with more to come. Scout...
by Web Weaver | Sep 10, 2014 | Archive, Blog, Guest Post, Members, Weavehouston Updates
From Tracy Kaestner: Six adventuresome CHH members are exploring Sweden. They stumbled across an incredible linen shop, Vaxbo Lin when they detoured after seeing a sign that said Linen Spinning! Check out the Vaxbo Lin website!.
by Web Weaver | Aug 9, 2014 | Archive, Blog, Exhibits, Guest Post, Weavehouston Updates
“The Hand at Work – A Celebration of Fine Craft” Clay and Textiles September 6-27, 2014 The Clay Arts Museum and Educational Organization (CAMEO) has partnered with the Art League of Baytown to present this exhibit and CAMEO invited members of CHH to participate. The...
by Web Weaver | Aug 1, 2014 | Archive, Blog, Guest Post, Weavehouston Updates, Weaving
CHH member Barbara E. visited the Boott Cotton Mills in Lowell, Massachusetts following the recent Convergence in Providence, Rhode Island. Read all about her tour of the mill on her Barb-e Designs website.
by Web Weaver | Jul 15, 2014 | Archive, Blog, Guest Post, Members, Weavehouston Updates
From Tracy Kaestner: 7 CHH’ers went on a tour of Randall Darwell and Brian Murphy’s home and studios on beautiful Cape Cod while attending Convergence in Providence, Rhode Island. Their home and gardens were full of incredible sights.
by Web Weaver | Jul 1, 2014 | Archive, Blog, CHH, Guest Post, Tapestry, Weavehouston Updates, Weaving
This is the last shot on the tapestry that’s been on the high back loom for the last four years. It started as a demonstration piece for the rodeo and livestock show – the size and the color worked well in that large space and people liked to stop and...