by Web Weaver | May 24, 2017 | Events, Gallery
On April 29, guild members car pooled to Brenham and Navasota for a field trip to an alpaca farm and a fiber mill with a lunch stop at Martha’s Bloomers. Dawn Brown of the Independence Fiber Mill in Brenham set up the different equipment so she could show us the...
by Web Weaver | May 23, 2017 | CHT, Events, Meeting
It’s hard to keep a secret …. Everyone’s working on the goodies for CHT Conference to be held at the Sugar Land Marriott Town Center. The three CHH members in the last photo are even dressed in the logo colors!
by Web Weaver | May 9, 2017 | CHT, Events, Exhibits
For details on the regional conference of the Contemporary Handweavers of Texas, please click on this link to their website. May 31 – June 4, 2017 at Sugar Land Marriott Town Square, Sugar Land, Texas. Last day to get the conference rate at the hotel is May 12,...
by Web Weaver | May 4, 2017 | CHT, Events, Guild House Gallery
Those of you who have indicated you will be bringing in items for the Gallery; the official check-in date is Saturday, May 13th, from 10 – 2. Please bring a completed inventory form with you. If you cannot make that date, please complete an inventory form and...
by Web Weaver | Apr 22, 2017 | Events
Annual meeting of WARP in Oaxaca City, Mexico is scheduled for the weekend following the Contemporary Handweavers of Texas conference in Sugar Land, Texas. Another opportunity to immerse yourself in a textile community! Pre and Post meeting tours and workshops are...