by Web Weaver | Mar 24, 2015 | Archive, Blog, CHH, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Dyeing, Felt Study Group, Study Groups, Weavehouston Updates, Workshops
The CHH Felt Study Group has invited Nicola Brown back this spring for another workshop. It will be a one day workshop on eco printing with protein fabrics. Everyone will bring their own fabrics as suggested by Nicola and spend the day dyeing with plant materials. The...
by Web Weaver | Mar 12, 2015 | Archive, Blog, CHH, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Weavehouston Updates
Ninety guests turned out on February 22, 2015 for the Contemporary Handweavers of Houston’s 65th anniversary party at Kris Bistro Norte. Members arrived at 4:30 and checked in with Susan Antrican and were directed to the media lounge where hors d’oeuvres and...
by Web Weaver | Mar 11, 2015 | Archive, Blog, CHH, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Guild House, Weavehouston Updates
We have successfully moved in to our new space. The building still is not 100% complete; the city has asked for a few more things to be done. Right now there are no exterior signs which can be a bit confusing. To enter the main building go to the red door in the...
by Web Weaver | Mar 11, 2015 | Archive, Blog, CHH, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Weavehouston Updates
WANTED – Volunteers to fill positions for next year (2015-2016) It takes a lot of people to keep our awesome organization running. [row] [column size=”1/2″] [/column][column size=”1/2″]Open positions at this time are: Program ChairPublicity...
by Web Weaver | Mar 9, 2015 | Archive, Blog, CHH, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Fiber Study Group, Study Groups, Weavehouston Updates
Post from Fiber Study Group: !!! ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION !!! There is a change of plans for THE FIBER STUDY GROUP ART TOUR on Thursday, March 12, 2015. We will NOT BE MEETING AT THE ASIAN SOCIETY We will meet at 10 am at THE HOUSTON MUSEUM OF AFRICAN AMERICAN...
by Web Weaver | Mar 4, 2015 | Archive, Blog, CHH, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Demonstration, Tapestry, Tapestry Study Group, Weavehouston Updates
Guest Post: Gerry Woodhouse, CHH Tapestry Study Group Tapestry weavers will be demonstrating tapestry weaving at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston beginning Thursday, March 12 through Thursday March 19, from 1 to 4 pm. Our looms will be the first thing you see when you...