Radiant Mobius

Radiant Mobius

Charlene Kolb has a handwoven piece called Radiant Mobius published in Handwoven's  "Loom Theory, Eight Shaft Shawl Collection." Click here for information on the special collection issue of Handwoven.  There are seven gorgeous projects in the issue. The Radiant...

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See what you missed

See what you missed

Photos from the Rag Rug Workshop - Explore Four Shaft Rosepath - taught by Nancy Crampton last weekend.  See what you missed! Lisa's rag rug sampler is taller than she is!  Here she shows it off with Nancy. Jan working on her sampler. Below is a bag woven by...

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Weaving 101

Weaving 101

From DeeDee's fall session of Weaving 101, Jorge (a returning student) models his table runner.  Just cut from the loom - not trimmed or wet finished yet.  Here's Annie's table runner from the same class. For information about classes, click on the link to Classes...

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Weaving in Ecuador

Weaving in Ecuador

From Blaine: When I was in Ecuador we visited a weaver outside of the town of Otavalu and he insisted that I weave on his loom. I was terrified that I'd break a thread or something, but it all went well. It was a very old loom in a fairly dark space, with just a...

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Getting to know you …

Getting to know you …

January 1st of each year, the Nominating Committee begins the talent search. Susan will select two members from the board and two members from at-large to serve on my committee and then I, as Past President, lead the committee in dialing for officers.  Once the slate...

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Psst, what’s the password?

Psst, what’s the password?

 REVISED INSTRUCTIONS Psst, what's the password? Now you don’t need to ask anyone anymore what the Members Only password is for the year. From now on, each member will set their own personal and private password – just like all the other sites you use on the world...

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Do you remember Ellen?

Do you remember Ellen?

Ellen Turpening died October 3, 2017 following a very long and courageous fight against cancer. When she and Walt lived in Texas, she was an active member and often a hard working member of the CHH board. Ellen requested that her memorial service be a celebration. The...

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What year was this?

What year was this?

A scan of a 1989 photo taken at a CHT Conference with the entire CHH delegation in attendance.  Left to right, front row:  Margaret Shepard, Martha Morse, Rosemary Malbin, Tracy Kaestner, Jane Ellis.  Back row:  Elaine Sprague, Deborah McClintock, Janice Jeffcott,...

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Our website is not immune from scams. If a transaction seems unduly complicated or if you have any feeling that something is not right, beware of the transaction.

Please advise us when your item has sold.  Ads older than one year will be deleted.

CHH online classified ads are available at no cost for CHH members, previous members, and other weavers, spinners, and felters in the greater Houston area.  CHH makes no guarantees about the content of the ads.