by Web Weaver | Jun 5, 2011 | CHT, Weavehouston Updates
From new weaver Carol J. who attended the Contemporary Handweavers of Texas Conference: CHT has definitely been worth the trip. A real highlight was Robyn Spady’s keynote address last night. She told great stories about her own weaving life, but her theme was... by Web Weaver | Jun 2, 2011 | CHT, Weavehouston Updates
The Contemporary Handweavers of Texas Conference runs June 2-5, 2011. The conference will be held at the Hilton Hotel in College Station, Texas and is hosted by the Brazos Spinners and Weavers Guild. The workshop roster is impressive. There are several CHH members... by Web Weaver | Feb 14, 2009 | CHT
CHT members have received these clarifications: CHT has extended the deadline for Members Exhibit Entry Forms from February 16 to February 17 since February 16th is a postal holiday. Fashion show entry forms must be postmarked by March 5. Identification tags and the... by Web Weaver | Dec 7, 2008 | CHT
Got a goodie in the Mail! No, not a Christmas gift. It was the 2009 CHT Conference Registration Booklet: Facets of Fiber…. Naturally. The Contemporary Handweavers of Texas conference is in San Antonio, March 26-29, 2009, at the San Antonio Airport Hilton. If you have... by Web Weaver | Sep 9, 2008 | CHT
The CHT Website has the preliminary information on the 2009 CHT Conference – Facets of Fiber…. Naturally.