by Web Weaver | Oct 4, 2015 | Archive, Blog, CHT, Weavehouston Updates
Received from Contemporary Handweavers of Texas: Register NOW for CHT Art Camp 2016 Join us for a relaxed, creative weekend in the geographic center of Texas. Spend Valentine’s Day with your besties! February 12 – 15, 2016 4-H Conference Center, Brownwood, Texas...
by Web Weaver | Jul 23, 2015 | Archive, Blog, CHT, Weavehouston Updates
Here it is! The CHT VIDEO! Filmed and distributed by Christine Miller, editing by Dirk...
by Web Weaver | Jun 24, 2015 | Archive, Blog, CHT, Weavehouston Updates
CHT Conference – Now! More information at
by Web Weaver | May 27, 2015 | Archive, Blog, CHT, Weavehouston Updates
Captain’s Log, Stardate: 5-26-2015 A $25 late fee kicks in June 1st, so get your registrations in this week! There’s still room in most workshops and seminars, including the recently added and not to be missed Hand Painted Warps Pre-conference workshop with Ella...
by Web Weaver | May 18, 2015 | Archive, Blog, CHT, Weavehouston Updates
From DeeDee Woodbury: We’re working hard here in Austin to get ready for WARP SPEED AHEAD! 2015 CHT conference. The vendor hall alone is going to be amazing, with 19 vendors — we had to get a bigger room there’s so many of them. We’ve also added a Pre-conference...
by Web Weaver | Apr 3, 2015 | Archive, CHT, Weavehouston Updates
The CHT (Contemporary Handweavers of Texas) Scholarship program has been established to support individuals in their pursuit of fiber arts in the state of Texas. Learn about the guidelines (eligibility, focus, requirements, application process, etc.) in the...