by Web Weaver | May 4, 2017 | CHT, Events, Guild House Gallery
Those of you who have indicated you will be bringing in items for the Gallery; the official check-in date is Saturday, May 13th, from 10 – 2. Please bring a completed inventory form with you. If you cannot make that date, please complete an inventory form and...
by Web Weaver | Apr 15, 2017 | Board Meeting, CHT, Felting, Meeting, Workshops
No Egg Hunt this morning… :) … but our regular meeting begins at ten and Easter Bonnets will be on parade with Barbara Kile as the presenter. Check out the new listings on our Workshops page. You can deliver your CHT conference entries today – if...
by Web Weaver | Apr 9, 2017 | CHT, Exhibits
FASHION SHOW ENTRY DEADLINE EXTENDED. We’ve received a lot of wonderful entries for the fashion show, but we know there are a lot more fabulous things out there that we all want to see!!! So, the new deadline is April 30!!! This is a generous extension and...
by Web Weaver | Apr 3, 2017 | CHT, Felt Study Group, Felting, Workshops
Felting Workshop Barbara Attwell May 6 – 7 9am – 4pm, with a lunch break Professional artist Barbara Attwell will lead a wet felting workshop that both introduces and reviews the basics of the process, along with advanced techniques such as complex resists for 3D...
by Web Weaver | Apr 3, 2017 | CHT, Demonstration, Events
CHH/CHT have been offered a complimentary 10 x 10 booth at the Quilt Guild of Greater Houston’s “Joy of Quilts” Show, and are looking for volunteers to coordinate this effort. The show dates are May 5 and 6, and it will be held at the Stafford...
by Web Weaver | Feb 17, 2016 | Archive, Blog, CHT, Weavehouston Updates
Lynn Smetko, CHT Study Groups Facilitator shares this news: Contemporary Handweavers of Texas (CHT) is offering the opportunity to participate in two study groups: Color v. Structure and Interleaved Threadings. A Yahoo!Group has been set up for each study group;...