by Web Weaver | Dec 4, 2017 | CHHit CHHat, Events, Guild House
The December CHHit CHHat has been emailed to members and it includes the details for the holiday party. If you did not receive your email, please let us know! All members are invited to the potluck dinner.
by Web Weaver | Feb 29, 2016 | Archive, Blog, CHHit CHHat, Weavehouston Updates
The March issue of the CHH newsletter is ready for you to read, download, or print. Just click on this link to take you to the newsletter On our website. For MEMBERS ONLY – you will need your login and password.
by Web Weaver | Jan 2, 2016 | Archive, CHH, CHHit CHHat, Newsletter, Weavehouston Updates
The January newsletter is posted in the Newsletters area. And here is an Update: Additional Roc Day Info The Roc Day celebration is being hosted by Penny Nelson of Sky Loom Weavers. It will be held from 10am to 4pm at her studio: 144 New Ulm Road, Cat Spring, TX 78933...
by Web Weaver | Feb 8, 2015 | Archive, Blog, CHH, CHHit CHHat, Newsletter, Weavehouston Updates
The February issue of CHHit CHHat – the newsletter of the Contemporary Handweavers of Houston has been uploaded to the Member site. Thanks Lisa for getting the news out to us every month!
by Web Weaver | Dec 1, 2014 | Archive, Blog, CHHit CHHat, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Members, Newsletter, Weavehouston Updates
Check out the December CHHit CHHat newsletter for Christmas Party details (including a map!), sale wrap-up, Guild House News, workshop information, CHT 2015 info, and other news. You must be a member to view. If you are a member and forgot your login...
by Web Weaver | Oct 29, 2014 | Blog, CHH, CHHit CHHat, Contemporary Handweavers of Houston, Members, Newsletter, Volunteer Opportunity, Weavehouston Updates
The November Newsletter has been uploaded to the Member website. Articles about hor upcoming sale, the garage sale, upcoming Diane Totten Workshop, volunteer opportunities, and other news members need to know. Thanks, Lisa, for putting it all...