by Web Weaver | Feb 24, 2016 | Archive, Blog, CHH, Guild House, Guild Meeting, Weavehouston Updates
Come to the March 19th CHH Meeting and learn all about the magic of natural dyes from Penny and Peggy of Sky Loom Weavers. They have been best friends for years and along with their spinning and weaving, they do a bit of dyeing together. Peggy still has her day job...
by Web Weaver | Feb 15, 2016 | Archive, Blog, CHH, Consignment, Guild House, Guild House Gallery, Guild Meeting
From Pat Powell: For everyone who had items in the Gallery over the holidays, it‘s time to pick up your unsold pieces. Pickup is scheduled between 1pm and 4pm on Saturday, February 20th. For everyone, it is time to bring in some new items for the Gallery. Check in...
by Web Weaver | Feb 1, 2016 | Archive, Blog, CHH, Guild House Gallery, Weavehouston Updates
From Pat Powell: The next gallery check-in will be on the 20th of February. It will start after the monthly meeting at 1:30. I expect us to have an increase in Gallery traffic with our new monthly (Second Saturday) Trunk Show plus a make-and-take activity. I am trying...
by Web Weaver | Jan 30, 2016 | Archive, Blog, CHH, Newsletter, Weavehouston Updates
From Theresa, newsletter editor: Happy Valentine’s Day! The latest issue of CHHit CHHat is posted on the website in the Member’s Only section and is available for you to read, download, or print. Go to February CHHiT CHHaT. You will need your login and...
by Web Weaver | Jan 15, 2016 | Archive, Blog, CHH, Fiber Study Group, Study Groups
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10TH: 10:00 AM – 12:00 CHH GUILD HOUSE PRESENTER: Ginny Eckley It’s time to clean out your studios everyone! We have a wonderful new 501c3 organization we want to support big time. Check out their website Here is a quote...
by Web Weaver | Jan 2, 2016 | Archive, CHH, CHHit CHHat, Newsletter, Weavehouston Updates
The January newsletter is posted in the Newsletters area. And here is an Update: Additional Roc Day Info The Roc Day celebration is being hosted by Penny Nelson of Sky Loom Weavers. It will be held from 10am to 4pm at her studio: 144 New Ulm Road, Cat Spring, TX 78933...