by Web Weaver | Jan 13, 2019 | Board Meeting, Guild Meeting
Karina Patman lived in Singapore and Thailand for 12 years, during that time she collected textiles. She has marketed clothing and accessories inspired by the textiles and people of SE Asia. Come see Karina’s textiles and hear the stories that accompany them at...
by Web Weaver | Apr 15, 2017 | Board Meeting, CHT, Felting, Meeting, Workshops
No Egg Hunt this morning… :) … but our regular meeting begins at ten and Easter Bonnets will be on parade with Barbara Kile as the presenter. Check out the new listings on our Workshops page. You can deliver your CHT conference entries today – if...
by Diane Ferguson | May 24, 2016 | Board Meeting, Guild Meeting, Programs, Weaving
Photos from the Saturday meeting on using little looms that are easy to take along on summer vacation. Lots of little looms on display – inkle looms, tapestry frames, and pin looms and examples of projects finished and in progress. Be sure to let the board know...
by Diane Ferguson | Apr 12, 2016 | Board Meeting, Consignment, Guild House Gallery, Guild Meeting, Weavehouston Updates
Guild House Gallery – April 16th Hi everyone. If you are interested in putting any items in the Gallery, I’ll accept them this Saturday after the meeting. Send me a note if you have any entries. That way I’ll be on the lookout for you. Remember, next check in,...