by Web Weaver | Feb 1, 2016 | Archive, Blog, CHH, Guild House Gallery, Weavehouston Updates
From Pat Powell: The next gallery check-in will be on the 20th of February. It will start after the monthly meeting at 1:30. I expect us to have an increase in Gallery traffic with our new monthly (Second Saturday) Trunk Show plus a make-and-take activity. I am trying...
by Web Weaver | Jan 31, 2016 | Archive, Blog, Sunday Surfing, Weavehouston Updates
From DeeDee: A great way to spend a rainy day. Research, browse, daydream… From the site: The American Textile Museum in Lowell, MA has the Chace Catalogue provides access to information about the American Textile History Museum’s artifact collections and the...
by Web Weaver | Jan 30, 2016 | Archive, Blog, CHH, Newsletter, Weavehouston Updates
From Theresa, newsletter editor: Happy Valentine’s Day! The latest issue of CHHit CHHat is posted on the website in the Member’s Only section and is available for you to read, download, or print. Go to February CHHiT CHHaT. You will need your login and...
by Web Weaver | Jan 26, 2016 | Archive, Blog, Weavehouston Updates, Workshops
Kathy Bone shared these photos from the final day of the Jette Vandermeiden All Tied Up Workshop.
by Web Weaver | Jan 25, 2016 | Archive, Blog, Guild House, Weavehouston Updates
Been caught by the train on Commerce Street? Sometimes it seems like the train is on the same schedule as guild activities. There are a couple of tunnels to help you navigate around it, if you see the train in time. Coming to the Guild House it depends on how you...
by Web Weaver | Jan 23, 2016 | Archive, Blog, Guild House, Weavehouston Updates, Workshops
From D’Anne: Here are a few photos from the excellent workshop “All Tied Up” presented by Jette Vandermeiden currently in progress: From the Webweaver – such concentration! And some wonderful scarves and embellishments worn by the...