Weavehouston asked CHH member Cammie Beierle to share her thoughts with us:
As relatively unknown as felt and felt art is in the world of arts and crafts, it was especially exciting to see felt recognized as art in this exhibit!! The award is for Best of Show at the Interwoven VI Fiber Exhibit at 18 Hands Gallery on 19th St., Houston. This piece and many beautiful representations of fiber art, will be on display until September 27. The piece was recently done and is all wet felted.I have worked with fibers, in some form or other, since I was a young girl. Crocheting, knitting, weaving on a small, ancient loom I picked up at an antique store, wool hooking, so many. Nothing really stuck until I discovered wet felting. I worked with human hair, as a hairstylist, for 3 1/2 decades, so it was an easy transition to animal fibers. I took a silk fiber class with Lynn Williams and was hooked!!!
Sunrise in the Valley.