Karen, Christina and Michael are looking justly proud of some of their shibori results from last Saturday's class with indigo. Clamping, pole wrapping, stitching--they fearlessly tried them all. Below, Karen concentrates on undoing her stitch lines. Michael and...
Entry Form – Celebrating 70 Years – Postponed
The Show must go on - just not on the date originally announced. Molly is working with the museum to arrange a new date. Below is the link to the Entry Form for our gallery show at Houston Center for Contemporary Crafts. You must be a guild member to enter. All...
Wearable Art Exhibit & Runway Fashion Show
2 Weeks to Enter! The Handweavers Guild of America is Accepting Entries for the Seasons of the Smokies Wearable Art Exhibit & Runway Fashion Show Deadline: February 26, 2020 Seasons of the Smokies is an international exhibit sponsored by the Handweavers...
Valentine’s Day
Tapestry. Your Passion. Our Mission. Tommye Scanlin, "Heart" For this year’s Valentine’s Day Appeal we are embarking on a 14 day celebration of the many resources and opportunities that are made available by the American Tapestry Alliance. Our celebration is in honor...
Textiles of Indonesia
Saturday, February 15, 2020, 10am Join CHH member Rene Derewetzky as she takes you on a tour of the Indonesia Archipelago from Sumatra to Timor. With its 17,000+ islands, Indonesia continues to identify with its heritage of diverse textile expression. We will discuss...
Between the Needle and the Book
Elaine Reichek exhibition bridges 50 years of her career, with a combination of recent text-based work and historic early work from the 70s. She has had recent solo museum shows at the Secession, Vienna; the Aldrich, and The Jewish Museum, NY and has adhered to a very...
Vistas along the Appalachian Trail
Less than Two Weeks to Enter! Slipstreams by Kathryn Arnold The Handweavers Guild of America is Accepting Entries for the Vistas along the Appalachian Trail Yardage Exhibit Deadline: February 12, 2020 Vistas along the Appalachian Trail is an international,...
More from HGA
The Handweavers Guild of America, Inc.'s (HGA) mission is to educate, support and inspire the fiber art community. We recognize that students are an integral part of our fiber art community and as such we invite students to get involved in the many opportunities HGA...