The sale will be here before we know it! If you are still planning to enter, please send in your entry form A.S.A.P. The entry form deadline is October 15th.
We would love to have you participate. If you do not feel that you would like to enter your work there are still opportunities to help with the sale and support CHH:
1. You can demonstrate at the sale,
2. You can help on the sales floor,
3. You can help advertise the sale,
4. You can bring all of your friends and shop, shop, shop!!
Please email Pat if you would like to demonstrate or volunteer or you can sign up with Diane at the October 20th Guild meeting.
For the second year in a row, the sale will be in our Guild House. This is a very exciting opportunity for us to showcase our work in our space. Invitations will be mailed to the sale address list soon.
Consignor numbers and inventory instructions will be emailed to local participants October 13th and out-of-towners October 1st. Sale entry form and sale rules are here – just a click away.
Looking forward to seeing everyone at the sale!